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How do I create a listing on Giggster?
How do I create a listing on Giggster?
Elena Baterovska avatar
Written by Elena Baterovska
Updated over 5 months ago

Hosting on Giggster starts with creating a listing, which takes a few quick steps:

​1. Sign up by clicking on the “Sign up” button in the top right corner of the Giggster homepage.

2. When logged in click on your profile picture in the top right corner and then hit “Become a Host”.

3. On the page that will open up, click “List Your Space”.

4. On the next step you will be prompted to fill out the address of your location. Once you’ve filled it out, click “Next”.

5. You’ll be prompted to choose the type of your location. If you’re unsure about the type of your property, please feel free to reach out to our Support team and we’ll help you with that.

6. On the next page you’ll be prompted to indicate the types of activities you’d like to accommodate. Just put a checkmark next to those you’re interested in hosting. You are also required to put in the maximum number of people you can accommodate in the listed space. 7. Then, you will be required to add more information on the size and structure of your location. Since the parking situation is very important to the clients, be sure to add information on the current parking and accessibility of your space. 8. Amenities. Don’t forget to indicate the amenities your location offers, so that the renters know what to expect. 9. On the next step select all the features your property has to make sure your location is found on search and set the right expectations for the renter.

10. Give your location a title and add a short description. Be sure to mention unique features that stand out about your listing.

11. On the next step you will be able to add the photos to your gallery that would showcase your space. Try to capture the best and most interesting angles of your space and highlight unique details that might be attractive to clients. Photographing the location in various lighting would also be a great idea.

You can add the photos by drag & dropping them onto the specified area or uploading them from your device. Please note that the photos should be at least 1200 pixels in width.

You can go back to this section anytime to add more photos or update your gallery.

12. Location rules. Setting transparent and detailed location rules gives the renter a clear idea of the boundaries and do’s and don’ts of your space as well as allows to prevent potential conflicts and claims. So, be sure to carefully check the suggested restrictions and feel free to add custom location rules, if you have any.

13. Calendar. Your calendar settings give you full control over when your space is available for bookings. An up-to-date calendar also helps you avoid canceling a booking—an action that can lead to an unpleasant experience for your client.

The dates that have already been booked on Giggster will be automatically blocked and appear greyed out. And If you wish to manually block unavailable dates, you can do so by choosing the date or dates on the calendar and then clicking “Blocked” under the “Availability” section above.

You can sync your calendar with any calendar in iCal format to keep it up-to-date across all the apps that you’re using for hosting. This feature is covered in more detail in our FAQ articles.

14. Pricing. In this section you can set the minimum amount of hours that you are ready to rent out your space for in a day, set up the price currency (for international hosts) as well as set your hourly price.

The pricing for your location can be flexible - depending on the type of production or event and renter’s specific needs, you can slightly adjust your pricing and send the renter a custom rate.

Please note that Giggster takes a 19% commission on every booking, so make sure to take that into consideration when setting up your prices.

Your pricing will most likely vary based on the number of attendees.

For your convenience, automatic pricing for different tiers is switched on by default.

You can turn it off if you wish to set up pricing yourself.

15. On the next page you will be asked to provide and verify your phone number. We will be notifying you of incoming inquiries and messages from clients via texts and might also need to contact you in case of emergency, so keeping a valid phone number up-to-date is extremely important.

You will be sent a verification code that you’ll need to enter.

Once you’ve successfully verified your phone number, click “Finish”. Your listing will be submitted for our internal review and, if everything looks good, we will publish your listing within a couple of days and send you a confirmation email. And if any adjustments are required, we’ll be sure to email you and provide the guidance you may need.

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