If there are any edits you would like to make to your location listing, such as editing price, features or photos, you can do so by clicking on the "Listings" tab at the top right side of the screen. Once you're on the listings page you can access your individual location by selecting the tab that corresponds to the location's current status on Giggster (All listings, Active, In Review or Unpublished).
In the screenshot below, since my location is active, I can access it under the 'Active' tab.
Once I find the location I want to edit, all I need to do is click the "Edit listing" located under the title, which will take me to the location editor screen. I can also preview my location by clicking on the eye icon, or delete the location by clicking on the trash bin.
From here, I will click the "Photos" button under Set the Scene, which will direct me to the photo editing page called Get your listing to stand out.ย
On this page, I can add a description to a photo, delete a photo or add a photo. After I edit my photos to my liking, I'll click the "Save and Exit" button.