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What is a Site Rep Report?

What is the difference between a Walkthrough Report and a Site Rep Report?

Anastasia Nikonova avatar
Written by Anastasia Nikonova
Updated over 8 months ago

Giggster protects the host and the renter with the Location Agreement that establishes a Site Rep Report/Walkthrough Report requirement for a smooth completion of the booking.

As established in Clause 12.3. of the Location Agreement for Productions and Clause 11.3 of the Location Agreement for Events, “Producer/Renter and Host must be present at the completion of the Production/Event for a final walkthrough of the Premises and to sign off on the Site Rep Report/Walkthorough Report.

If the host is present on site to complete a walkthrough, the document is called a Walkthrough Report. If the host is represented by a Site Representative, the same document is usually called a Site Rep Report. Both reports include the same information, but a Walkthrough Report is signed by the host and the renter, while a Site Rep Report is signed by the site rep and the renter.

A report includes the following key components:

> Name of the location

> Date of the booking

> Start and end times

> Number of people present

> Overtime if any

> People overages if any

> Damages if any

> Minor charges if any

> Additional fees incurred during the booking

> Name of the Renter

> Renter’s signature

> Host’s/Site rep’s signature

You will need just a sheet of paper and a pen to create and fill out a report with the required information. Giggster provides you with a template of the Site Rep Report and a template of the Walkthrough Report for your convenience:

At the end of the booking the Host or a designated location representative must do a walkthrough together with the Renter and check the location for damages.If there are damages or any other overages (Overtime, Extra people, etc.), they must be stated on the Walkthrough Report and the document is to be signed by the Host and the Renter.

Template of the Walkthrough report -

The overages/damages are to be resolved through the Update Booking feature available on the Booking tab. The feature is active for 3 hours past the booking end time. If the Renter did not accept the Booking Update request you sent, please file a claim on Giggster’s Claims Portal with the Walkthrough/Site Rep Report attached. Giggster will arbitrate the claim and its resolution will be final.

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